Tools & Resources
2023 Program Reports
Every other year, Commute Seattle collects information from large employers and property managers about commuter benefits and other on-site amenities available to their employees and tenants.
Program Reports will be distributed on November 8 and are due Friday, December 22, 2023. Our team at Commute Seattle is here to assist you by offering training, consultations, and educational resources to support your success.
Featured Resources
Resource Library
Select any of the categories below to filter for resources on that topic.
Upcoming Transportation Projects Flyer for ETCs
Download flyer for employees
Upcoming Transportation Projects Flyer for BTCs
Download flyer for tenants
Case Study: Creating Connections with Shared Shuttles
Read the case study: Creating Connections with Shared Shuttles Case Study
Hallcon Brochure for 2024 Insider Insights
Hallcon Capabilities Brochure for 2024 Insider Insights
ORCA Business Programs Printable Flyer
Attract and retain employees by offering them a transit benefit. King County Metro offers two different ORCA programs to meet your organization’s needs
ORCA Business Programs Overview for Employers
ORCA Business Programs Overview for Employers
ORCA Employee Toolkit
ORCA Employee Toolkit
2023 Commute Trip Reduction Tax Credit Application Guide
2023 CTR Tax Credit Application Guide
Policy Brief: Housing's Impact on Transportation
Read our newest policy brief here: Policy Brief: Housing’s Impact on Transportation
Pre-Tax Vendor List 2023
Most companies can administer commuter benefit programs in-house for no cost, especially when using ORCA Business Programs. However, some companies may choos
Commute Seattle Sponsorship Opportunities
Support a trusted community partner! Sponsorship provides exposure for your organization to key business representatives, agency partners, community leaders,
Case Study: Walking the Walk with Foss Home and Village
Case Study: Walking the Walk with Foss Home and Village
Case Study: Incentivizing Alternate Transportation at Kaiser Permanente
2021-2023 Employer Case Study – Kaiser Permanente
Case Study: Elliott Bay Book Company & ORCA Business Programs
Download the Elliott Bay Book Company & ORCA Business Programs Case Study: Case Study: Elliott Bay Book Company & ORCA Business Programs
Policy Brief: Seattle's E-Bike Rebate Opportunity
Policy Brief: Seattle’s E-Bike Rebate Opportunity
Active Transportation at Amazon Case Study
Download the 2023 Active Transportation at Amazon Case study

2023-2026 Strategic Plan
Download Commute Seattle’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan 2023-2026 Strategic Plan
Regence BlueShield Case Study: Embracing Hybrid Work
Download the 2022 Regence BlueShield Case Study

DocuSign Tower Case Study: A Fresh Take on Commute Fairs
Download the 2022 DocuSign Tower Case Study

Commute Seattle Menu of Services
Getting to work or school can be easy! Find out more about tailored consulting services from Commute Seattle.

Headed back to the office? You’ve got options to get there.
Share this PDF flyer with your teammates or tenants to refresh their memory about their options for getting to work (and around town!)

CTR Program Report Questions Handout
Download this handout to learn more about the CTR Program Report Questions!

TMP Program Report Requirement DocuSign Quick Tutorial
This is a quick tutorial on how to complete the Seattle Transportation Management Program Biennial Program Report requirement via DocuSign! The City of Seatt
2021 TMP Director's Rule
The 2021 Seattle Transportation Management Program Director's Rule includes information about TMP triggers, TMP development, and typical TMP elements.

Business and Occupation Tax Credit
Learn more about how to apply for the Commute Trip Reduction Credit Business and Occupation (B&O) Tax with our short video and most frequently asked questions.
Workplace Charging Toolkit by Forth
This toolkit was developed by Forth for businesses and property managers interested in or ready to implement a workplace charging program but want some additional guidance and resources throughout the process.

Bicycle Parking Guidelines for the Transportation Management Program
This guide is both a resource for new development that is required to provide bicycle parking and for property and business owners who would like to add bike parking in or near existing buildings and in the right of way.

Survey Results: Commuter Benefit Survey for Small & Medium Size Businesses (Fall 2020)
Survey Results: Commuter Benefit Survey for Small & Medium Size Businesses Results (Fall 2020)

Telework: Sample Policies & Forms
Sample telework policies, agreements, and forms.
Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) Basic Training
Your role as an Employee Transportation Coordinator in the Commute Trip Reduction Program.

Commute Safe, Commute Happy
The way we move through Seattle has changed and we are here to help. Commuters have found new modes and technology to commute while keeping their distance. Commute Seattle offers free business services to help you create safer commutes for your employees.
Building Transportation Coordinator (BTC) Basic Training
Your role as a Building Transportation Coordinator in the Transportation Management Program

Bike Resources
Follow these four steps to rekindle the love for your bike and get back out on the streets. This is a great way to practice biking in the city and incorporate it into your daily life.
Bike (Back) To Work Webinar
In May 2020, we hosted Bikes Make Life Better for an educational webinar on how to begin biking back to work. Watch the full webinar and check out the list of resources mentioned in the video below.
Supporting Working Parents Webinar
Hear from a panel of working parents who are also experts on working parent resources, Human Resources and commuter programs, and gain valuable insight into how businesses are creating a supportive work environment for their parents during this unprecedented school year.
Commuting During Phased Re-Opening: What You Need to Know Webinar
In this webinar, we provided an overview of the transportation landscape – looking a bit at past and present, then pivot to walk through several commute modes, with ideas and considerations you should consider for your workplace.
Remote Management & Teleworking Culture Webinar
In this webinar, we explored key topics for establishing a successful telework program during and after COVID-19.
King County Metro: COVID Transportation Information Webinar
We hosted experts from Business Services, Rideshare, Service Planning, and Operations to discuss public transportation during COVID. Watch the full webinar here.
2014 Downtown Modesplit
The trend continues. More and more people are foregoing the daily grind and choosing transit, walking, and bicycling to get to work.
Property Management Toolkit
Commute Seattle, The Downtown Seattle Association, and The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) are pleased to offer you this toolkit that will provide a one-stop resource for sustainable transportation products, services, and incentives available to offer at your property location.
Transportation Management Program Report Preview
This is a preview of the TMP Program Report questions. The City of Seattle Transportation Management Program (TMP) requires affected buildings to submit program reports every other year. Program reports are used to monitor a Transportation Management Program's goals and elements.

2017 Commuter Mode Split Survey
This study was conducted for Commute Seattle on behalf of the Seattle Department of Transportation to understand how commuters travel to Downtown Seattle.

Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Flyer
The goal of the program is to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels so that your business can run smoothly, and your employees stay healthy.
2017 Transportation Benefits Toolkit: Chapter 4
Chapter 4 focuses on Communications and Marketing. Includes information on posting program information, new employee onboarding checklists, transportation events, and other resources to promote individual behavior change.
2017 Transportation Benefits Toolkit: Chapter 3
Chapter 3 focuses on various Transportation Program Elements. Includes information on: Pre-Tax/Tax-Free Benefits, Vanpool/Vanshare/Company Shuttles, Carpooling, Parking Management, Telework & Flex Schedule, Subsidies, Reimbursements and more.
2017 Transportation Benefits Toolkit: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 focuses on Transportation Program Creation & Implementation. Includes an introduction to Transportation Demand Management (TDM), Related Programs (TMPs, MUPs, MIMPs, & LEED), and resources for Utilizing Peer Support.
2017 Transportation Benefits Toolkit: Chapter 1
Chapter 1 focuses on the basics of Commute Trip Reduction. Includes information on: CTR Law, CTR in Seattle, Employer Services, Program Reporting and Survey, Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) Job Description, and more.
Pre-Tax Commuter Benefits Guide
Commuter benefits describe the tax allowances for commuting expenses outlined in IRS Code Section...
2019 Mode Split Study Infographics
Seattle commuters utilized telework, transit and multiple modes to beat the Seattle Squeeze.

Transportation Benefits Toolkit
The toolkit provides vita information on developing a transportation program within your organization.
Teleworking (i.e., telecommuting, remote work) allows employees to work from a remote location, whether at home or a satellite office.
Flex Schedule & Compressed Work Week (CWW)
Employers can increase productivity and morale by offering flexible “flex” schedules and /or compressed workweek (CWW) programs.
Employee Incentives
An incentive is anything that motivates someone to take a particular action, especially a desired, premeditated action.
Introduction to Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
Some basics to a successful company TDM program include parking management, promoting carpooling or transit use, providing proper facilities for employees who want to walk, run, or bike to work, and providing flexible scheduling or teleworking opportunities.
Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) in Seattle
Explore the basics of Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) and learn what makes Seattle's program unique.
Property Manager Toolkit - Transportation Management Plan Services
Learn how Commute Seattle’s transportation experts can help property managers and staff better understand property and tenant regulatory requirements, tenant commute patterns, and transportation programs and services available to Downtown Seattle businesses.
Property Manager Toolkit - Ride Sharing
Learn about, a free service that matches commuters with other people in their area who are looking to share a ride. It provides a secure and confidential way for your tenants to match up with others in your building or those nearby to share the commute.
Property Manager Toolkit - Bicycle Amenities & Services
More and more commuters are choosing to ride to work because bicycling is a healthy, affordable, reliable, sustainable, and fun mode of transportation. The rapid growth in bicycle commuting has led to increased tenant demand for high-quality bicycle amenities and services.
Property Manager Toolkit - ORCA Business Passport for Tenants
Help your tenants’ employees get to work more affordably and conveniently by offering to subsidize the powerful ORCA Business Passport program as part of your leasing package.
Property Manager Toolkit - ORCA Transit Passes
With ORCA (One Regional Card for All), your tenants will have multiple transportation options at their fingertips to encourage non-drive alone commute trips.
Parking Management Strategies
Innovative parking management strategies allow you to better serve your tenants by providing flexible parking options and freeing up parking availability for their clients.
Property Manager Toolkit - Starting a Commute Program
Learn how starting a commute program in your building is a low-cost way to expand your suite of tenant services and amenities.
Seattle Commute Benefits Ordinance Overview Video
Have 20 or more employees? This brief video will give you an overview of who is impacted and how to comply with Seattle's Commuter Benefits Ordinance law.
2019 Center City Commuter Mode Split Survey Results
The Center City Mode Split Survey, conducted biannually, indicates that 6% of downtown employees worked remotely or shifted their schedules to avoid peak-hour commutes, with the total number of these “trip” types tripling since 2010.
Properties & Buildings: Transportation Considerations For a Phased Re-Opening Webinar
We partnered with Seattle 2030 District for a webinar on July 30th to provide perspectives on transportation and commute trends. Building owners and property.
Parking Management Toolkit
Overview The single most effective way to reduce your company’s DAR is to switch away from monthly parking passes, which incentivize employees to driv
An overview of Transportation Management Programs and the elements that make it up.
Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law: What is CTR?
What is Commute Trip Reduction? In 1991, the Washington State Legislature passed the Commute