
Commute Seattle Endorses No on I-2117 Campaign 

by | Oct 10, 2024 | News

In a unanimous decision, the Commute Seattle Advisory Board voted to endorse the No on 2117 Campaign, joining an opposition coalition of over 500 organizations and Tribal Nations. 

On the ballot this November, I-2117 would repeal key investments and programs from 2021’s historic Climate Commitment Act, one of the most ambitious state-wide climate laws to ever pass in the United States. 

I-2117 would eliminate billions in funding for our state’s transportation plan which would: 

  • Threaten the landmark Youth Ride Free program 
  • Cut funding to Safe Routes to Schools programming 
  • Impact our goals for increased multi-modal access by reducing funding for walking, biking, and trail projects across Washington 
  • Put road and bridge projects at risk of delay or cancellation 
  • Reduce public transit service  
  • Make traffic worse 

“I’m proud to announce that Commute Seattle is joining TMAs across Washington in opposing Initiative 2117. We’re standing up for investments that give people real choices in how they get around. Without robust transit options and programs like Youth Ride Free, we can’t achieve the mode shift necessary for a sustainable future. Now is the time to act—vote No on 2117 to protect the future of our transportation system.” — Alex Hudson, Executive Director, Commute Seattle.

Learn more about volunteer opportunities to support the campaign at no2117.com/volunteer. And remember to fill out your entire ballot by Tuesday, November 5th!

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