City of Seattle Fall 2021 Commute Survey Requirements Postponed
Due to several factors, the City of Seattle Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) employee commute survey requirement is postponed until Fall 2022.
This new timeline will fulfill the requirements of local and state CTR Law while also allowing WSDOT more time to implement the new survey tool; it will also give your company more time to find a “new normal” from pandemic recovery. Commute Seattle will proceed with a 2021 Seattle Center City Mode Split study to better understand travel behavior and remote work trends this fall. Stay tuned for more information on that effort and visit our website for more information on the 2019 Seattle Center City Mode Split Study.
Let’s work together on a return to the workplace.
As the state reopens on June 30th, we need your help promoting sustainable transportation options to avoid a post-pandemic congestion crunch. Traffic is already back and the time is now to strategize ways to welcome commuters back without frustration. Leverage the fresh-start effect as people are forming new habits. Schedule a time to talk to me about transit service, the West Seattle bridge closure, hybrid workplace, commuter benefits, parking management, and more.
In Case You Missed It: WSDOT will launch a new survey data collection tool in 2022.
The new survey tool will be live in March 2022, and Commute Seattle will contact you around that time regarding survey requirement next steps. We are excited to introduce WSDOT’s new user-friendly platform for respondents and administrators, including a modernized interface, easier data collection, reporting, and visualization.
The old survey tool has been shut down.
If you plan to administer the employee commuter survey before the 2022 launch of WSDOT’s new survey tool, a SurveyMonkey option is available. Please email for more information.
In meantime, keep up-to-date with our weekly ETC E-blast and of course – don’t hesitate to schedule a call or video meeting with Commute Seattle.