Vanpools are reliable, easy to manage, and give employees the freedom to create the commute schedule that works best for them. And for employees who don’t have reliable access to frequent transit near their home or job site, vanpool is an affordable solution. All it takes is three or more people to get started.
Offering vanpool can help your business:
1. Meet your Sustainability Goals
Prioritizing other ways for people to get to work over driving alone is a key part of an emissions reduction strategy. Advance your company’s and our region’s sustainability goals by encouraging vanpooling for commute trips. Offering vanpool can also help affected businesses be in compliance with the Commute Trip Reduction law.
2. Attract and retain top talent
Commute distance can be a make it or break it consideration for job seekers. Show prospective employees you have them covered with a number of commuter benefits that put money back in their pocket and give them more time with family and friends. Vanpool is a compelling benefit for employees traveling long distance. Data from our Seattle Commute Survey shows that people who vanpool average a commute of over 18 miles one-way! Vanpool complements your other transit benefits by filling in the gaps where public transportation is less frequent or non-existent. If you already offer ORCA Business Passport, vanpool is included at no additional charge!
3. Reduce employees’ stress and out-of-pocket costs
Starting or ending your day in traffic impacts focus and overall morale of your employees. Vanpools have access to HOV lanes, meaning less time stuck in traffic and improved wellbeing for your employees. Sharing a ride with coworkers rather than driving alone gives employees a chance to build community. Vanpools also relieve the financial stress of parking, gas, and wear and tear on personal vehicles. Each van comes fully equipped with gas, toll fees, insurance, maintenance, and 24/7 support and roadside assistance.
Ready to start a vanpool? Visit King County Metro to get started. Commute Seattle can help meet your commuting needs, save you money, and improve worker wellbeing. Visit our menu of services to learn more or or schedule a complimentary consultation with our team.