Commute Seattle demonstrated growth, adaptivity, and flexibility throughout 2021 while navigating the impacts of the ongoing global pandemic. We’ve continued to provide the same high level of employer support for businesses of all sizes, worked hard to promote climate-friendly travel, and adapted our programming to meet the evolving needs of employers and employees in this new commuting landscape.
Commute Seattle was thrilled to bring back several of our community events in person this year, such as Light Up Your Trip, while continuing to offer virtual and hybrid events to allow customers and partners to tune in from their home or office. Our weekly ETC E-Blast maintained its ongoing popularity among businesses as a resource for commute information and transportation updates, and new customer contacts have been rapidly increasing throughout the second half of the year. We interacted with businesses and partner organizations in more ways than ever in 2021, including customer surveys, regional transportation roundtables, event sponsorships and through our annual modesplit survey – stay tuned for results in 2022!
Our team has also engaged in several important conversations about how equity, diversity and inclusion play into our programs and the transportation sector as a whole. We conducted specialized research projects with underserved communities to better understand how we can grow and adapt our programming to better serve audiences who have been historically marginalized. Commute Seattle staff collectively spent over 450 hours in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion training in 2021, and we look forward to bringing these learnings into our upcoming strategic planning process.
Read on for Commute Seattle’s impact by the numbers, as well as some snapshots of our favorite moments from the past year. We look forward to working with you in 2022!
Events & Activations
36 events hosted
1,474 event attendees
10 in-person events
26 virtual events & webinars
Customer Consultations
474 total business consultations in 2021
237 Commute Trip Reduction program participants
62 Transportation Management Program participants
136 ORCA & Commuter Benefits Ordinance participants
22 peer organization consultations
ORCA Business Program Sales
61 new ORCA Business Programs
799 ORCA Passport passes sold
$89,864.89 ORCA Business Incentive funds distributed
New Commute Seattle Customers
119 medium and small businesses
5 new CTR-affected employers
6 new TMP buildings
38 new ETCs and BTCs onbarded
Marketing & Communications
43,772 website visits
54 email communications
24.9% average open rate
7.1% average click rate
2021 Snapshots
Scroll through the gallery below for a peek at some of our favorite moments of 2021!